
Inspections are used in multiple industries to safely and efficiently maintain various pieces of equipment and important assets. Aerial inspections allow a much more cost effective way of performing many inspections. Utilizing advanced high definition zoom cameras, we can maintain a safe distance from subjects while capturing necessary photo or video. 


Power line asset inspections

Carry out detailed inspections of power lines safely from the ground.

Find defective or worn equipment, missing cotter pins and much more.  

We offer solutions for large amounts of images to be properly sorted and recalled with relative ease.

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Roof inspection

Assess damage without ever stepping on a roof or structure again. 

From small residential to large commercial roofs. We have the necessary equipment to carry out the job. 


wind turbine inspection

Sending a person hundreds of feet in the air can be dangerous. With our stabilized advanced zoom cameras we can capture video in 4k resolution as well as capture HD photographs that can show amazing detail for review at a later date or even live on site.